We Stand With Ukraine

Ever since the beginning of the tragic events in Ukraine, we have always been transparent and firm in our position. We strongly denounce and condemn the fatal decision of the Russian government and continue to be in shock over the fact that something like this could have happened in the first place. Just as millions of innocent Ukrainians, so too have some members of our own staff been affected by this appalling aggression.

Back in March 2022 we made the necessary arrangements to relocate a part of our multinational team of artisans to the neighboring European countries so that they could continue to apply their talent and provide for their families while staying safe. We also continue to assist refugees through regional offices of international humanitarian organizations.

It is incredibly sad that Russia as a country and everything relating to it may have been tarnished forever in a single moment. Nevertheless, we are not planning to rebrand. Russian Legacy has been in business for over 20 years. The nation's rich culture and history span centuries. All of this is obviously larger than delirious ambitions of any single individual.

We would like to thank our loyal and new customers for your understanding. We will get through this together.