On hills of Georgia lies the covering of night...

On hills of Georgia lies the covering of night;
Aragva streams in front of me.
Such sadness and such ease; my melancholy's light,
My melancholy's full of thee,
Of thee, of only thee... No anxiousness, no pain
Unsettles my despondency;
My heart again on fire, it burns and loves again,
For otherwise it cannot be.

Translated by Genia Gurarie

On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night...

On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night,
Aragva murmurs underneath.
I'm sad, yet light, my sorrow's bright,
My sorrow's filled with you.
With you, you only ... My melancholy,
Nothing can torment or disturb,
My heart, it burns and loves anew - because
It cannot live without loving.

Translated by Nick and Dimitri Derkatch

На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла...

На холмах Грузии лежит ночная мгла;
Шумит Арагва предо мною.
Мне грустно и легко; печаль моя светла;
Печаль моя полна тобою,
Тобой, одной тобой... Унынья моего
Ничто не мучит, не тревожит,
И сердце вновь горит и любит - оттого,
Что не любить оно не может.